Castle Wood school is a large broad spectrum special primary school (4-11 years) with 112 pupils.
The design of the new special school explored the potential to develop facilities that the mainstream pupils can use to encourage an inclusive whole-school approach, such as a sensory room, hydrotherapy pool, soft play facilities and outdoor learning environments
The school was formed in April 2008, as the result of the amalgamation of two special schools, Deedmore and Hawkesbury. Castle Wood School relocated to new purpose- built premises in September 2010, co-located with Moat House Primary School. The school has been carefully planned to enable access for all pupils.
Castle Wood school admits pupils with a wide range of disabilities and special educational needs, including profound and multiple learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and autistic spectrum disorders.
Castle Wood school has an after-school club which is open to any child with a statement of special educational needs in the city, and their siblings. The club has Charitable status and is managed by the governing body. Sessions are on offer after school, alternate Saturdays 10.00 am – 3pm and summer holidays over a 4 week period, 5 days a week 10.00 am -3pm .
The school has achieved Healthy School status and gained the Eco Schools silver Award.